Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Running Shoes

Oh my poor running shoes, I haven't used you in YEARS. I know it feels different, but we will get use to each other once again. Let me wipe of the ancient dust and see if I still know what to do. We usually don't go much faster than a walk, but lets take up the notch and see what happens. I have a feeling my next post will be SO LONG running shoes, as I throw them in the trash. We'll wait and see!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Vacation Time

Blake and I are getting ready to take a much needed vacation. The only problem is Blake and I have two different ideas of vacation. I want to sleep in and lay around reading books. Blake wants to be doing something every day. We will have to come to some sort of compromise so we can both have our vacations. Either way the thought of NO WORK is better than anything. I need a vacation from these children they call co-workers.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Grace now asks for and gives kisses! She will lean in real close to your face and wait until you give her a kiss. When asked for a kiss, she will walk over and lean in for one. ADORABLE! I miss the cute cuddly 6 lb baby, but I love watching her grow and develop into a little person.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valentine's Day/Dog Show

Grace, Reagan and I packed up Saturday and headed to College Station for the dog show. I haven't seen Kate and Danielle and months, so I was more than thrilled to spend time with them. Danielle showed Reagan Saturday and got second; I am so proud of my Roo. Blake ended up getting a hotel room in CS so we could spend Valentine's Day together. We all went to dinner, the dog show ladies and us, and stayed laughing until almost midnight. The next day I showed Reagan and she WON! I would have been the one in the ring jumping for joy and acting like a little kid. She hasn't won since she was a puppy. YEAH REAGAN! I cannot wait to see how good she will do when her coat comes in :)

Record Potential

Blake and Mitch have a record label and they are in the process of meeting with a producer. they are recording 6 more songs and head to Nashville in March to meet with the producer, Radney Foster. Radney and his manager loved the four songs on the demo and they cannot wait to hear more! Blake and Mitch are hard at work this week recording the other songs. It seems like each day something new and exciting is happening!

Hermann Park

Two weekends ago the whole family went to Hermann Park to take some much needed family photos. I was thrilled to have Mark, Karen, Lauren and Brian join us. I think we got some great pictures and had a good time too.
Grace really responds to her fellow red heads. A red headed boy went by in a stroller and she ran up to him and "MUAH" tried to lean in and give him a kiss. I think we have a big flirt on our hands!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Magical Pooh

Grace now loves to take her diaper off and run around bare cheeked. Well she seems to have taken a pooh someone upstairs, but I cannot find it. I think my ever so thoughtful pups cleaned it up before I found it.

Grace also wanted to make sure the dogs stayed away from HER ball pit, so she decided to mark those too. Just in case there was any confusion.